Welcome to PRMSU Chatbot

This webpage offers a webchat for inquiries about President Ramon Magsaysay State University Main Campus.

About Us

We're delighted to introduce our chatbot! The team behind this creation consists of researchers and students from the College of Communication and Information Technology at President Ramon Magsaysay State University. Our dedicated efforts have resulted in a chatbot that offers outstanding conversational experiences. Our primary goal is to ensure intelligent, personalized, and efficient interactions, providing users with user-friendly information and assistance. Allow us to introduce the talented researchers who have contributed to this project:

  • Ronald Joseph Apostol
  • Basim Sami Fathallah
  • Jude Vincent Sudweste
  • John Ed Romanban

The purpose of developing a chatbot for PRMSU (President Ramon Magsaysay State University) is to offer automated assistance and engage in conversations with users in a manner that emulates human-like interaction. This chatbot is specifically designed to understand inquiries from PRMSU-related topics, provide relevant information about the university, answer questions, and assist with tasks using predefined rules, patterns, or artificial intelligence algorithms. Its objective is to enhance user experience by delivering efficient and personalized interactions while representing PRMSU in an informative and helpful manner.


Timely Information

Our chatbot provides prompt and instant answers to user queries, delivering timely information and reducing reliance on personal interactions. This enables users to obtain the information or assistance they need without unnecessary delays.

Answering your Queries

The chatbot answers general inquiries about the university's public information, courses, enrollment, admission process, and requirements. Note that this list is not exhaustive but gives an overview of the chatbot's areas of assistance.

Automated Assistance

Automated chatbots operate 24/7, offering support at any time of the day. This is particularly beneficial when human agents are unavailable, such as after business hours or during peak periods.

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